奥地利网页无障碍法案(WZG) -修复网站无障碍的要点!

By: Skynet Technologies USA LLC
8 mins
Austrian Web Accessibility Act (WZG)

奥地利于2019年7月颁布了《pg电子官网》(WZG),规定了所有公共实体使其数字产品和服务无障碍的法律义务. 该法案是欧盟网页无障碍指令(WAD) 2016/2102的扩展实施, which applies to all member states of the European Union.

无障碍法案WZG规定,奥地利的每个网站都必须遵守WCAG 2.1 conformance level AA standards. 这个实现背后的想法很清楚,没有人会被排除在必要的数字产品和服务的使用之外.

Most importantly, 欧盟指令2019/882(欧洲无障碍法案)将于2025年在整个欧洲生效. 然后,该法案将影响所有提供数字服务或产品的组织. Therefore, Austrian organizations must begin applying WCAG 2.1 AA standards along with EN 301 549 requirements to ensure their digital products’ accessibility.


The WZG requirements for web accessibility

该法适用于联邦的网站和移动应用程序以及包括联邦政府和其他机构在内的所有其他机构. It does not apply to,联邦和所有其他机构,包括联邦政府和其他机构的网站和移动应用程序.

It does not apply to,

  • 9月23日之前发布的Office应用程序格式文件, 2018, 如果它们的内容对任何正在进行的行政诉讼都不重要.
  • 2020年9月23日之前发布的基于时间的预录制媒体(视频和音频).
  • Live time-based media.
  • 在线地图服务/地图(如它们提供其他方便的方式提供基本信息).
  • 非由政府实体开发、控制或资助的第三方内容.
  • Content that is only available to a closed group of people and not important to the public; also, if it is published before September 23, 2019Post this date, 鼓励包括这些封闭群组在内的每个网站纳入无障碍法案.
  • 教育机构网站和包括学校在内的移动应用, kindergartens, 和文件(如果它们对任何行政或法律目的没有用处).
  • Archive content, which is not required for any administrative purpose, nor has it been updated or revised after September 23, 2019.

Other points to remember:

  • 所有的网站和移动应用都必须是可感知的、可操作的、可理解的和健壮的.
  • 法律实体必须以可访问的格式发布并维护其网站和移动应用程序的详细而清晰的可访问性声明. 声明中还应提及超出欧盟委员会规定的强制性可访问性要求的可选内容.
  • 法律实体必须审查所有关于无障碍问题的投诉,以及这些投诉是否合理, 必须按照建议及时采取行动以消除缺陷.
  • 组织应该为持续致力于网站/应用程序添加的利益相关者和工作人员协调定期培训计划, delete, or edit content.
  • 满足无障碍要求的截止日期-分配给联合会的网站和应用程序如果在9月23日之前未发布,则必须是无障碍的, 2018, and all mobile applications that are published from June 23, 2021.

Read the entire legal provision of the Web Accessibility Act.

Accessibility monitoring methodology and reporting modalities

所有成员国公共部门机构的网站和移动应用程序都应符合无障碍标准 monitoring methodology and reporting modalities. The Commission Implementing Decision (EU) 2018/1524 of October 11, 2018, 为网站和移动应用程序的合规性制定了这个方法, which is set out in Article 4 of Directive (EU) 2016/2102. Also, the modalities for reporting to the Commission on monitoring results, including measurement data, in a uniform way.

YOU MAY ALSO LIKE: Perform an accessibility audit of your website.


If an organization qualifies for a web accessibility certificate, it already fulfils the major accessibility requirements of WZG or WAD, which are:

  • Conformance with the latest WCAG standards; WACA focuses on the website’s adherence to WCAG 2.1 level AA standards.
  • Easy access for users to submit feedback if they find non-compliance; WACA has this function. 用户可以通过认证网站上WACA标签附带的联系表格报告无法访问.
  • Accessibility declaration, which is easily visible on the website. More on accessibility declaration.

Wrapping up

在奥地利,所有网站和移动应用程序都必须遵守WCAG 2.1 AA standards. Although there is no fixed penalty mentioned, failure to comply with WZG recommendations will result in legal actions, penalties, and other consequences.

Thus, 了解奥地利《pg电子官网》(Web Accessibility Act of Austria, WZG)的关键要求,并尽快将其纳入其中,以维护企业声誉并提高转化率.

Are your business website and other digital assets WCAG compliant? Or are you looking for guidance on WZG web accessibility standards? With a team of experts, we provide website accessibility remediation services including accessible website design and development, audit, strategy, website remediation, consulting, VPAT accessibility conformance report, PDF / document remediation, 并支持符合无障碍规则(如WCAG 2)的服务.0, 2.1, 2.2, Section 508, Austria WZG within your budget. Reach out [email protected] or request a free quote.